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ATLIS Collaborates with ISTE and CoSN to Create Acceptable Use Policy Guidance

By Ashley Cross posted 01-04-2023 01:08 PM


Collaboration among ATLIS, ISTE, CoSN, and the Digital Citizenship Coalition results in a guide for schools to create modern technology use policies.

The Association of Technology Leaders in Independent Schools (ATLIS) member schools are committed to providing a safe and productive learning environment for all students. To support these efforts, ATLIS is proud to announce the release of “Setting Conditions for Success: Creating Effective Responsible Use Policies for Schools”. This guide is the result of a collaboration between ATLIS, ISTE, CoSN, and the Digital Citizenship Coalition.

The recommendations in this guide take a modern approach to school technology policies. Rather than a punitive outlook, the updated guidelines instead focus on equity, setting technical conditions for success, and focusing on the desired digital behaviors. Responsible use policies are also known as acceptable use policies or technology use agreements. The shift from 'acceptable' to 'responsible' use signifies a change in expectation and creates a different tone.

This updated policy includes a number of important recommendations, including:

  • Tips for creating an effective policy, focusing on three tenets: keeping a positive tone, writing it in plain English, and involving students.
  • A focus on digital citizenship, emphasizing the importance of being responsible and respectful online, while also addressing how to resolve problems.
  • Model language that can be adapted for your school, including an elementary and secondary school version of the policy.

These changes will help to create a safer and more positive learning environment for all students.

Setting Conditions for Success includes tips on what an effective RUP should include and what to avoid, examples of RUPs gone wrong, and sample templates educators can use to create RUPs for elementary or secondary students.

