This has been my goal as a teacher of teachers since 2000. I learned early on technology's ability to save time. The difference between then and now is the speed and customization at which it can be done. My vision for technology has been the teacher(s) being able to converse with a program that contains the data of teaching (students, curriculum, goals, assessment) to develop lessons and activities to reach and assess each student present in the classroom that day and for those not in the classroom that day. I am reviewing programs like Magic School right now to determine how sophisticated and customizable the tools are to serve the needs of the teacher and every student in the course/classroom. My considerations for saving time thus far:
- The teacher's "business management" of students (ex: gradebooks, attendance, parent and student communications)
- The teacher's teaching work (ex: lesson planning, rubrics, assessment)
- The teacher's ability to manage classroom resources (ex: inventory of materials, people resources, students)
Questions for tools:
-How does this tool relieve the teacher of time-consuming necessary classroom management processes?
-How does the tool promote mastery-based teaching and learning for each student?
-How does the tool provide/allow for creative, engagiing learning opportunities that are measurable?
-How does the tool facilitate communication to parents as to student progress with suggestions as to how they can help their child at home? For older students, how does the program help the teacher communicate resources and activities to support student agency in achievement of goals?
-How does the program promote individualized as well as group learning?
-How does the program involve students in developing their own learning opportunities for themselves and with other?
Teaching is an art for me and so I see these new tools as possibly providing teachers the possibility decrease the "work" of teaching so they can focus on the person of each student and the creative process of actual teaching/facilitation.
I look forward to exploring these tools that have these considerations and questions in mind.
This is an exciting time to bring John Dewey's words to life: Since growth is the characteristic of life, education is all one with growing; it has no end beyond itself. The criterion of the value of school education is the extent in which it creates a desire for continuous growth and supplies means for making the desire effective in fact.
Jennifer Lamkins, Ed.D.
Coordinator of Member and Technology Support Services
Northwest Association of Independent Schools
5001 California Ave. SW (Ste. 112), Seattle, WA 98136
Office: 206-323-6137
Direct: 206-323-7005
Original Message:
Sent: 06-11-2024 05:49 PM
From: Ashley Cross
Subject: AI to prevent teacher burnout
We're mulling over an idea that AI could be used as a tool to help teachers get their Sunday afternoons back instead of lesson planning all weekend. Have you done any AI training with your faculty? Have you seen any early indications that it could be used to prevent burnout? On the flip side, Nan Cohen brought up the point today at the ATLIS AI workshop that there is a danger for schools to continue to increase the expectations of output. We're considering this topic for a magazine article in the fall, so we'd love to hear your thoughts!
Dr. Ashley Cross
Senior Director of Education and Content