Hi- I'm a chemistry teacher. I created a custom chatbot trained on my teaching materials to be a chemical nomenclature tutor, which my students found to be quite helpful. I used Open AI's GPTs feature in "configure mode" to do this. I embedded a visual guide for using the GPTs interface and gave a step by step guide to writing the prompt and providing appropriate training documents in an Edutopia Article "Meet 'ChemBot': How to Design a Personalized GPT Tutor"
I plan to make more topic-specific bots now that GPTs can be accessed by students through a free account.
Jen Stauffer
Hopkins School
New Haven CT
Original Message:
Sent: 06-18-2024 12:03 PM
From: Ashley Cross
Subject: Custom AI
Have any of you created an AI chatbot or AI specific to your school? Tell us about it! How did you do it, and what are you using it for?
Dr. Ashley Cross
Senior Director of Education and Content