We are seeing the same thing here with Gimkit. We got pressured into adopting it during the pandemic year, especially by our World Language Dept. However, the tool is so heavily gamified that it has started to become a distraction for some of our students. We most likely will not be continuing with Gimkit next year for this reason and will work with our teachers who use it to find another more suitable tool.
Trevor Hoyt
Durham Academy
Durham NC
Original Message:
Sent: 01-07-2025 11:56 AM
From: Leanne Reynolds
Subject: Gimkit
It is my understanding that students (13+) using Gimkit as a classroom tool, can play games created by anyone in the world while using the program initiated by a teacher for a lesson. Is this accurate? Is there anyway to restrict student access to games from unknown sources?
Leanne Reynolds
Head of School
River Oaks Baptist School