B.L.U.F. (Bottom Line Up Front) - looking for cost comparison on a per-faculty or per-student for comprehensive network managed services
We've spent the past six months working on a plan to migrate network management to a managed services contract. The campus has grown significantly in the past ten years with two 70,000 sq./ft. Classroom buildings were coming online, adding a campus-wide WLAN to accommodate the 1:1 program (closer to 2:1 for students and 3:1 for faculty), migration to and extension of cloud-hosted applications, virtualization of servers, and additional layers of security. The goal is to provide robust support for the infrastructure while allowing IT staff to be "customer-focused," helping faculty, staff, and students across campus.
Much of the contract is tailored to our specific campus needs, and we are satisfied the components of the proposed managed services agreement meet those goals. Because the contract is so tailored, getting cost comparisons has been challenging. We don't want to compare actual dollar costs as that would require adjusting those costs to scale, but comparing the expenses per FTE or student would be very helpful.
For reference, the contract proposal includes:
- Managed Technology Services
- Network Equipment Maintenance
- Network Equipment, essential support services
- Network Administrative Functions
- Network Device Monitoring
- Managed Security services
- Professional Services (including implementation and on-site support)
- System and Server Monitoring Agents
- Base Security Agents
- Secure Remote Access Agents
- Documentation Platform
- Network Monitoring Dashboard
- Knowledgebase and Ticketing platform
- Reporting platform
Covered systems include:
- WAN and routers
- Security Appliances and Systems
- Data Center infrastructure
- Access switches
- WLAN infrastructure
- all circuits
- End-user devices
- Servers and related hardware
- Virtual environment
- Cloud services
Items NOT COVERED include:
• Applications Support other than those included with Managed Technology & Security Services
• Cloud Services outside of the administrative purview of <vendor>
• Structured data cabling
• Physical access control, video surveillance, and A/V equipment
• Specific Vendor equipment and systems
• EoS equipment, software, and systems
• UC and Voice Systems
• Power and Environmental Units
• End-user mobile devices such as iPads (we are 1:1 student iPads)
• Student Support other than platform and back-end support
If you are using or considering similar services, would you be willing to share your cost per FTE or student? Thank you! #General#ITSystemsandSupport#CybersafetyandDataSecurity------------------------------
Glenn Hymel
Strake Jesuit College Prep