Hi Stacia,
This is a great topic for discussion. I'd highly recommend the Cybersecurity Rubric.It's creative commons licensed and built specifically for K-12 education on the NIST standards. I'm a CCRE (Certified Cybersecurity Rubric Examiner) if you have any questions, I'm happy to help.
Stacy Hawthorne, Ed.D., CETL
Chief Academic Officer
Original Message:
Sent: 01-11-2024 07:09 PM
From: Stacia McFadden
Subject: Risk Management in Small School
Hi Friends,
Jamie B. and I are speaking to some heads of schools in NWAIS about CyberSecurity and are curious about how small schools handle Risk Management. Coming from a large school and being in one now, we've had the resources for cybersecurity insurance, companies to handle penetration testing, and access to others who could mitigate crises. If you don't have those resources, what systems do you have in place?
Thanks in Advance!
Stacia and Jamie
Stacia McFadden
Rowland Hall
Salt Lake City UT