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  • 1.  Subcommittee of the Board for Cyber

    Posted 05-05-2023 12:48 PM

    ATLIS peeps,

    Where does cyber reside in your school's board subcommittees?  We've been thinking about this for a few weeks and there is no good place for it.  Here is a list of the ones we have considered: Property and Resource, Finance, and Governance.   None of those seem to capture the full scope of what cyber requires.  We've given some thought to Risk Management as a subcommittee as it could incorporate not only cyber but also physical safety and security. 




    Hiram Cuevas
    St. Christopher's School
    Richmond VA

  • 2.  RE: Subcommittee of the Board for Cyber

    Posted 05-08-2023 10:05 AM

    Hiram -

    Ours is a board level committee, the Risk Management Committee, that sits as the same level as Finance, Governance, etc.

    Vinnie Vrotny
    The Kinkaid School
    Houston TX

  • 3.  RE: Subcommittee of the Board for Cyber

    Posted 05-08-2023 04:02 PM

    Visitation Academy has Technology in the Building, Grounds, & Technology subcommittee. 

    Beverly Byrd
    Visitation Academy
    St. Louis MO

  • 4.  RE: Subcommittee of the Board for Cyber

    Posted 05-09-2023 07:09 AM

    MKA has tried to reduce the number of BoT committees over the years. Technology once had its committee before being absorbed into the Facilities Committee. The Educational Programs & Policy (EPP) Committee covered the educational aspects of the program. 

    Recently, there has been further constriction. The Facilities Committee has been merged with Finance, creating a Facilities & Finance Committee, and EPP has merged with Student Life forming the Student Experience Committee.

    With all this said, we undertook a Cyber Audit this year (w/Ankura), which was required by the BoT, and reported on during one of the meetings this year.

    The school is trying to balance the number of committees it is asking its board member to serve on and the school's needs. While understanding this need, I do think that there needs of the department (both Ed Tech and Tech) can often go under-represented in the current model.

    I would be curious to know how other schools are structured.

    William Stites
    Montclair Kimberley Academy
    Montclair NJ

  • 5.  RE: Subcommittee of the Board for Cyber

    Posted 05-09-2023 03:08 PM

    I serve on a school board, and it falls under risk management for that particular school. It's the same as what Vinnie described: it's just one level of committees, no subcommittees. 

    Do any of you have anything to do with training or onboarding the school board?

    Dr. Ashley Cross
    Senior Director of Education and Content

  • 6.  RE: Subcommittee of the Board for Cyber

    Posted 05-14-2023 03:23 PM
    Hey all!

    Our Audit Committee primarily deals with technology-related items, including Cyber. We just completed our first Cyber Audit this past year. It was constructive to involve one of the board members with some background in this area as a thought partner and to create healthy accountability in our process. There are instances in which the work touches other committees, but we’ve fostered a board culture where technology is considered in context. I am happy to share more detail if helpful!



    Louis Tullo
    Ravenscroft School
    Raleigh NC