And I would only comment on what Alex stated in terms of the mission. I think the mission should guide and affect the use of and pedagogy in regards to teaching the tools, techniques, and processes of AI.
Along the same lines as Alex, I participated in a webinar last week and one of the interesting points brought up was that we should not only be reviewing/vetting potential vendors using AI but also our existing vendors who are adopting AI as well. The other point that resonated was that the presenter (AI security specialist) stated curiosity was probably the most important quality to promote in regard to asking questions about AI and the corresponding tools, security and use whether an admin, tech leader, teacher, parent or student.
Jennifer Lamkins, Ed.D.
Coordinator of Member and Technology Support Services
Northwest Association of Independent Schools
5001 California Ave. SW (Ste. 112), Seattle, WA 98136
Office: 206-323-6137
Direct: 206-323-7005
Original Message:
Sent: 11-15-2024 10:40 AM
From: Alex Podchaski
Subject: Survey: AI with Students
I hope you are getting responses. One of the most critical areas to look at when evaluating AI is how your mission and pedagogy will be affected by the tools, techniques, and processes you use to bring AI to the students. Within the next few years, we will get to the point where AI is part of every tool, so evaluating which tool is best is becoming passe. For me, we need to ask if the tool is secure, if it is safe, and if its use matches how we expect teachers to teach and students to learn, and then we experiment to ensure it is a good fit. The tools change so frequently that it is not like we are rolling out a feature-rich database that takes years to shift course. The tools have evolved so much in the last 2 years that analysis paralysis can set in if you don't make an evaluation, make a decision, and try something.
Just my $0.02
Alex Podchaski
Trinity Preparatory School
Winter Park FL
Original Message:
Sent: 11-05-2024 04:39 PM
From: Liz Beck
Subject: Survey: AI with Students
I know we're all still trying to figure out how AI fits into our various institutions, so no worries if you don't have a lot to share. Every bit counts! Just hoping to get a better understanding of the landscape :)
If you'd like to see the survey results, please be sure to provide your email address at the end of the questionnaire.
Liz Beck, Director of Technology
Laurence School (CA)
Valley Glen CA