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"Turning Research into Practice: Leveraging Generative AI in K-12 Education" video series

  • 1.  "Turning Research into Practice: Leveraging Generative AI in K-12 Education" video series

    Posted 04-18-2024 09:41 AM
    Edited by Stacy Hawthorne 04-18-2024 11:06 AM

    I'm so excited to announce that the Learn21 "Turning Research into Practice: Leveraging Generative AI in K-12 Education" video series launches live at 9am CT today. You can join us at Learn21 AI Video 1: Empowering Educators with Generative AI for the premiere of

    Video 1: Empowering Educators with Generative AI
    Question Addressed: How does generative AI help teachers?
    Summary: Explores the diverse ways generative AI tools support educators in content creation, personalization of learning, and administrative efficiency.
    This series is a research-based exploration of the future of education, where generative AI not only supports teaching and learning but also inspires a new generation of thinkers, innovators, and learners. "Turning Research into Practice: Leveraging Generative AI in K-12 Education" is a video series developed by the team at Learn21 to address topics related to generative AI in education and provide practical applications of using AI in K-12 schools. Through the series, you will learn what current research says about the art of prompt engineering, the integration of AI with pedagogical strategies, and the impact of AI in various learning environments, and more. Each 10-minute video is designed to answer pressing questions educators and administrators face today, from harnessing AI to empower teachers to navigating its challenges, fostering deeper cognitive engagement, and promoting critical thinking and metacognition among students.
    Each video in this series will be grounded in current research and aimed at offering practical advice, theoretical insights, and actionable strategies for educators and administrators looking to navigate the integration of generative AI into educational settings effectively. The approach ensures that viewers not only understand the potential and challenges of generative AI in education but also receive guidance on harnessing its power to enhance teaching and learning outcomes.

    Join us today and again on Thursday, April 25 at 9am CT for the premiere of
    Video 2: Navigating the Challenges of Generative AI
    Question Addressed: What are some problems that can happen with generative AI?
    Summary: Discusses potential issues such as data privacy concerns, bias in AI algorithms, and the importance of critical oversight in AI implementation.
    Please subscribe to our channel at Learn21 so you don't miss any videos in this series. Your support is all we need.


    Stacy Hawthorne, Ed.D., CETL
    CoSN Board of Directors
    Chief Academic Officer