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Wifi on School Buses is now E-Rate Eligible

  • 1.  Wifi on School Buses is now E-Rate Eligible

    Posted 11-10-2023 04:35 PM
    Edited by Michela Lowry 11-10-2023 04:35 PM

    This is a heads up to ATLIS members that the FCC recently voted to make school bus Wi-Fi equipment and services eligible for E-Rate funding in FY2024.  Of course, this is especially beneficial for students who face long bus rides and limited broadband access at home.

    The next critical step in the process will be the release of a proposed supplement to the Eligible Services List (ESL).  The ESL supplement will be subject to a brief public comment period to permit school bus Wi-Fi to be included in the full and final ESL, which will be released prior to the opening of the FY2024 Form 471 application window in January.

    Exactly how eligibility will be defined and implemented is still to be determined. We can update the discussion thread as more information is released.

    If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. Thanks!


    Michela Lowry, M.Ed.

    Co-Managing Director 
    HWC Consultants
    739 Shrader Street, San Francisco, CA 94117
    415.692.0708 ext. 3