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  • 1.  Let's talk about productivity hacks...

    Posted 08-25-2021 09:27 AM
    Hey everyone.

    When we were in Seattle last month for the ATLIS Undaunted Retreat, we had a really great conversation about productivity hacks. We talked about how the pandemic has put additional pressure on us to do more work in less time so we explored the ways we've gotten even more efficient about how we work. Perhaps even more importantly, we also talked about how to bake moments of respite and balance into our schedules in order to sustain the pace. 

    What are some new or adjusted productivity hacks you've adopted as a result of the pandemic?

    Your responses can be anything from how you make time to complete big projects to how you juggle home life obligations.  We all know tech teams are good at juggling multiple priorities, so how did you reach deeper on your own productivity during the pandemic?


    Christina Lewellen

  • 2.  RE: Let's talk about productivity hacks...

    Posted 08-25-2021 10:56 AM

    During the pandemic, I tried to be more intentional about carving out time to be outdoors for a few minutes each day. Taking a walk during my lunch break helped me process ideas and come have a more productive afternoon. It was also very helpful to be outdoors for a few minutes after long Zoom meetings. A combination of a digital calendar to coordinate with my team and a paper planner to manage my daily tasks and long-term goals is very useful. Breaking down larger objectives into actionable items is paramount to moving the needle on strategic work.

    I believe mindfulness is key to managing stress and being more productive. A 5-minute gratitude journal can help set the tone for your day and re-frame your mindset. If you are looking for a great podcast around this topic, check out The Tim Ferris Show. In Tim's own words: "Each episode, I deconstruct world-class performers from eclectic areas (investing, sports, business, art, etc.) to extract the tactics, tools, and routines you can use. This includes favorite books, morning routines, exercise habits, time-management tricks, and much more."

    One of my takeaways from the retreat was to 'eat the frog'. Set up time early in the day to tackle that nasty task (aka frog-eating). If you clear it out of the way first thing, it opens up the rest of your day. 

    I can't wait to hear everyone else's tips!

    Dr. Ashley Cross
    Director of Membership +
    Access Points Community Manager