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New Google Workspace for Education Track Announced

By Kelsea Watson posted 04-12-2022 09:21 AM


New Google Workspace for Education Track Announced for Annual Conference Agenda

Google for Education has shared that they are excited to be back at the ATLIS annual conference this year, and especially looking forward to engaging with and learning from each attendee. They have announced a dynamic schedule of content planned, where sessions will dive deep into a range of topics suitable for educators, school leaders, and IT Admins. Whether you join them for a session or stop by to ask a question and engage in thoughtful discussion, Google for Education has something for everyone. 

Here is an overview of the sessions included in the Google track:

Practice Sets: A More Personalized Path to Learning

Participants will explore how Google Practice Sets enable teachers to personalize learning efficiently and effectively. Participants will learn how Practice Sets assignments include targeted support, can be autograded and allows students to show their work and demonstrate their understanding allowing teachers to meet the needs of multiple learners easily. The system also generates insights on overall student performance to gauge understanding and plan next steps.


Security Center: Protecting Students and Teachers from Cyberthreats

Do you think your teachers and students have to rename their dogs?  If so, join us to learn how to protect the students and teachers at your school. Let’s review Google Workspace for Education Fundamentals' built-in protections. Actively make changes within your domains to ensure FERPA, COPPA, and GDPR compliance. Force password changes and set password length.


Chromebooks: Versatile, Scalable, Empowering, & Secure education devices

In this session, participants will learn how Chromebooks in education simplify the management, deployment, and maintenance of a school's laptop fleet while providing a secure learning environment for students and faculty. Additionally, this session will review how the cohesive platform of Google Workspace for Education allows tools such as Google Classroom, Drive, Keep, and Docs to work together to promote student cognitive development and organization.


Getting Started with Admin Console

Participants will get an overview of Admin Console, including best practices for organizing users, managing Google Workspace access for various users, and basic security and auditing features. Some features shown may require a paid subscription.


What is New with Google Classroom and Originality Reports?

In this session you will learn about the exciting updates and features in Google Classroom and how it can be seamlessly integrated to save your teachers time while enhancing student-teacher communication. We will also explore how originality reports used with Google Classroom can help students and teachers organize assignments, strengthen collaboration and quickly assess authenticity. If you have another learning management system, implement originality reports through Google Assignments, a free add-on application for your LMS to distribute, and grade student work. Save your school time and money by using Google Classroom and/or Originality Reports.

+ Establishing Mission Control: Google Classroom

+ Encouraging Authenticity: Originality Reports


Using Apps Scripts to extend Google Sheets to fetch data via APIs

Learn how to populate and update Google Sheets with data from external sources via APIs using several different authentication methods. While an advanced topic, ATLIS attendees are an advanced audience. In previous conferences sessions I’ve done on APIs have been well attended. I’ve recently used this method to help me manage the technology at my school more effectively.


Should I make the move to Google Workspace for Education Plus?

ATLIS member tech directors will serve on a panel to share their reasons for going to Education Plus and answer questions you might have as you consider this for your school.

This track is sponsored by:
Google for Education logo

There is still space for you to join your colleagues in Orlando! Register now to engage in networking, professional development, and the reunion we've all been waiting for. View the full conference agenda to see what you'll be mission out on if you don't join. 

