For our school, it really depends on the platform. Our Apple Products are managed under School Apple Manager and rolled out through Jamf. The Chromebooks are tracked through Google Admin. And our Windows devices are now being managed through InTune. There is a way to track assets in Spiceworks, the ticketing system we use; but we never got that far.
Julie Bryan
The Bush School
Seattle WA
Julie Bryan (she/her)
Client Technology Support Specialist
The Bush School | 206.326.7723 |
Original Message:
Sent: 11-07-2022 03:21 PM
From: Zak Peeler
Subject: Inventory System / Asset Management
Curious what other schools are using for managing their IT assets, we currently use a excel spreadsheet to track our laptops and desktops.
Zak Peeler
Norfolk Academy
Norfolk VA